Saturday 31 August 2013


DIA-let them meet a God and Father who loves, embraces and heals...

I started in the DIA in December 2005. The idea was to participate in the DIAS cultural evenings and talk to people at the tables. Little did I know that my life would soon change, and that I was moving into an exciting and pulsating  environment. 

I had long known that the nation was on my  heart, and that people are waiting for me "out there", but did not realize that  I could get acquainted with the nations here at home. The Bible says that God's love is poured out in our hearts. This I had not experienced so much yet ... 

Not until I began in the DIA. Then something new redeemed in the heart, a love for people welled up in a whole new way. People became so beautiful and different cultures so exciting. Suddenly I saw more of  how great man is created, so colorful, so full of forms of expression, so creative and full of capabilities. 

Jostein Danielsen

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